Artwork is a base resource available on design editor allow customer have more idea for design faster and easy. But it not required. So, If you don’t want use artwork. You can skip this guide. To start manager artworks. Please go to menu Artworks (1) -> Create folder (2) or start Upload arts (4) if you have artwork file (svg, png, jpg). Also, You can Import available artwork from store (3)

Create folder #
After click Create folder -> You need set Folder name (1) -> Change language (2) if your site using multilanguage and set Folder name (1) again for your language -> Select folder thumbnail (3) -> Save to create new folder (4)

Upload artworks #
To start upload artworks. Please click Choose Files (1) and select multiple files type supported (svg, png, jpg) for upload.

After select files. A list files upload showing for waiting upload and you can edit name, price (if you want setup price) (2). If your site using multilanguage. You need select language you want translate (1) and set artwork name for language (2) -> Click Add more files (3) if you want add more files upload -> Click Start uploads (4) for start upload artwork.

Manager artworks #
After uploaded artwork. You can edit artwork (1) or use bulk mode for update all. When you want move a artwork to other folder. You can click button move (2) and click button Remove when you want delete artwork (3)

Where artwork on editor? #
Artworks listing on menu artworks and allow customer add to design.