A quotation is a document that a seller provides to a buyer to offer goods or services at a stated price, under specified conditions. Also known as quotes, sales quotes or sales quotations, quotations are used to let a potential buyer know how much goods or services will cost before they commit to the purchase
Setting #
To start working with quote, you need setup allow show quote button on design editor. We supported two positions allow setup show quote. So, You have high custom setup layout. You can setup apply for all products from settings and setup it apply for one product from advanced setting of product.
1. Enable Show quote from settings (apply for all products)
Select menu Settings -> layout -> Function (enable show quote)

2. Enable Show quote from advanced setting of product (Override on settings and apply only for this product)
Select menu Products -> edit product -> advanced -> customize design layout -> enable show quote

Send a quote #
To send a quote. You need select product you want -> Click customize and go to design editor mode
- Add your design
- Select product color
- Select quantity
- Click continue

Next: You are bring to add cart screen
- Click Request a quote button
- Enter your info allow shop manager can contact after send quote
- Click Send to start send a quote

Completed: A modal show message send quote success

Manager quotes #
List quotes #
List quotes show on backend. Allow shop manager can check info of design (thumbnail, contact info, status) and you can remove any quote. To show list quotes. You need select menu Quotes
- Search quote by ID
- Filter quote by status
- quote ID: You can click to view detail. Also, If your quote is new and no one open to checked it will show a flag new
- Thumbnail of design
- Contact info
- Status: Default after send is Pending. You can change it after checked
- Date: Time customer were send quote
- View detail: You can click to view detail of quote
- Action: You can click to delete quote

Quote detail #
Quote detail show all info of design (options, quantity, attributes, file print, note and estimate price…). You can view quote detail by click button view detail from list quotes
- Item ID: A quote can have more variants of design. So, It can have more item ID
- Woo product: You can know what product name added and you can view product when click on product name. Also, You can click Download design to Download file print
- Thumbnail of design
- You can know what options, colors, sizes, attribute or printing type using on design.
- Estimate total: You can know estimate price calculation by design editor.
- Note: Show note of customer when they send quote.
- Back: Back to list quotes

Click Download design to download file format (PNG, PDF, SVG)

Completed: After check all info of quote. You can send contact to customer and change status of quote