Add new product #
Before you can add new product design on woocommerce. You need setup product base from PDA plugin (Read more).
To add new product design. You need go to Admin panel -> Products -> Add new (1) -> Set product name (2) -> Set product description (3) -> Select Simple product (4) -> Select General tab and add product price (5) -> Select PDA product tab (6) -> Click Select PDA product (7) to select product design from list.
Note: we only support simple product. Because we were supported distinct attributes, variants and can manager stock. So, You can setup any attributes and variants by PDA plugin.

Next, Search product design from list (1) -> Click to select product you want (2)

Next, You can change other product design or remove if you don’t want -> Click publish to save product.

Add product template #
To add product template. First, you need add new product design basic and continue next step -> From tab PDA product -> Select view you want add design (1) -> Click on area design (2) to add design template

Next, You can search templates (1) -> Click on design to select template (2)

Next, You can change other design template or remove if you don’t want -> Click publish to save product.

Product design #
On list products of woocommerce, you can see product design will show logo on top left of thumbnail. So, You can know what product is design