Ticket #
You can get free help ticket service after purchased PDA plugin. Please go to help center -> Click Faqs (1) to check your issues listed or check documents (Maybe it can help) -> Click Submit a ticket (2) if you have new issues and need support.
If you were send ticket and need manager tickets. Please click Manager tickets button (3)

Faqs #
If your issues were listed on faqs. You can check faqs document for fix.

New ticket #
If documents and faqs cannot help and you can’t see other answer. You can create new ticket. After click button Submit a ticket -> You need verify purchased code (If you were verified. You can skip this step)

Next: You can add ticket info and submit ticket
- Ticket type: Please select type you want support
- Options: It only show when you need fix bug. Host & site info not required but it help us support faster and with some case, It is needed for fix error.
- Ticket description: This is content of ticket. Please add detail of issues and describe step by step create your error again. It will help us understand your issues and find solution for fix.
- Attach file: You can upload your screenshot, document detail of your issues or require detail.
- You need read private policy and accept
- Click Submit ticket to start send submit

Manager tickets #
You can click on ticket you want to open detail or click on Action (1) -> Click on action you want (2)

Contact #
To contact us. Please go to contact form -> Enter your info (1) -> Click Submit for send your messeger (2)

Hire us #
If you want setup, customize anything. Please let us know, we will help you achieve your goals. Please go to customize page -> Click on service you want -> Send us infomation -> We will check and let you know if we can help or not.
Enter your info (1) -> Upload file attach (2) -> Send request (3)