To start with PDA. You can setting system, layout, resources for use. Also, You need check system configuration and settings for PDA work normal.
System status #
At first. Please go to Dashboard menu (1) -> Scroll down to check System requirements -> Check status to see any warning or error showing (2) -> Compare value Requirement recomment (3) with Current (4) and fixing like Guilde (5)

Settings #
Next step. Please go to Settings menu (1) -> Select Menu you want config (2) -> Setup value you want (3) -> Save Update (4)

General #
1. Upload: You can setup limit filesize and image type you want allow upload.

2. Download: You can setup allow/block customer download print file with image type you want on design editor. If you want enable this option for allow customer download image. You need extra memory of your host to bigger. Because can have many customer download at same time it need some process of server for read image data (image upload can big) and it can influence on performance of calculation

3. Text: You can disable/enable filter emoji (1) from text and Edit text default (2)

When click Edit text default. You can change text style, font, text and color (1) -> Save change (2)

4. Photo library: When you want use image from photo library. You need Select library (1) you want -> Setup API key (2) for work.

5. Team & number: You can setup font, font size and color for team name and number

6. Qrcode & Barcode: You can change color and content of Qrcode or Barcode

7. Watermark: You can setup watermark content, color and opacity show on preview

8. Guilde design: You can setup url embed from youtube for show on help screen. From front end click help button (1) for show

Layout #
1. Functions: Allow show/hide functions corresponding with number of config below

2. Menus: Allow show/hide left menus and function of each menu by groups in design editor

Text template #
You can create new text template with normal text (1) or curved text (2). After click add new text (1 or 2) -> Edit text and change style -> Click save or export to upload (4). Also, You can import free text template from store (3)

After added, It will available on text list for customer use.

Fonts library #
You can add new font to list from google font library (1) or import from font store (2). Also, You can upload new font file by click button Upload font (3) -> Select your fonts file (4) (.ttf format)

Shapes library #
Shapes allow setup mask with shape for photo. You can import more shapes from store or upload file format download from store

Filters library #
Filter will apply filter color for photo. You can import more filters from store or upload file format download from store

Languages #
Languages will auto listing with available language on your site. So, You need translate your language from English. To translate your language, You need click on language you want translate (1) -> Select language file (2) -> Translate line text to your language (3) -> Click Save translate (4)

Advanced #
You can clear cache of each position you want or clear all by click on button Remove cache

Note: Some features in settings can be disabled if your version is free or basic. So, If you want get full. You need use Pro version. You can compare here
Dashboard #
Dashboard show info of your site. You can know new Notification of service (1), Statistical of resources (orders, artworks, templates, products) (2) and Order chart by month and year (3)