Stores contain resources (theme, update version, products, artworks…) for use on plugin PDA. Explore products libraries, artworks, designs and fonts, which our team of professional designers created just for you Go to stores
The library is always updated monthly. You can find many free resources for download and import for use on your site.
NOTE: All resource is free and are at the basic level, Open Source and No-Copyrighted. Collected and edited by us to fit the plugin. Please do not use for other purposes.
To discover detail. Please click on category you are interesting.

To start download any resource, You need Login (If you were logged in. Please skip this step)
Upgrades #
Upgrades includeds all updates version for platform your site using. So, When you tring update by file downloaded from admin panel. You need select correct version of platform.
To upgrade new version. You can click download file (zip) version you want to save on computer -> Go to admin panel -> Upgrades -> Upload file (Read more)

Themes #
We supported other themes for change layout of design editor. You can hover mouse on theme you want -> Click to download file (zip) and save file on your computer -> Go to admin panel -> Themes -> Upload file (Read more)

Products base #
Product base provide for you product images standard for setup product design. You can use product image for setup like you want.
First: Select category you want -> Click to open category

Next: Hover mouse on product you want -> Click download file (zip) and save on your computer -> Unzip -> Setup on your product (Read more)

Artworks #
Artworks provide for you svg images standard for upload on your library. You can click to open on category you want

Hover mouse on artwork you want -> Click to download file -> Go to admin panel -> Artworks -> Upload arts (Read more)

Fonts #
Fonts provide for you font file standard for upload on your library. You can click to open on category you want

Hover mouse on font you want -> Click to download file -> Go to admin panel -> Settings -> Upload font (Read more)

Text templates #
Text templates provide for you text file standard for upload on your library. You can click to open on category you want

Hover mouse on text you want -> Click to download file -> Go to admin panel -> Settings -> Upload (Read more)

Design templates #
Design templates provide for you design file standard for upload on your library. You can click to open on category you want

Hover mouse on design you want -> Click to download file -> Go to admin panel -> Templates -> Create template -> Import (Read more)

Shapes #
Shapes provide for you file standard for upload on your library. Shape only apply for photo on design editor. You can click to open on category you want

Hover mouse on shape you want -> Click to download file -> Go to admin panel -> Settings -> Shapes -> Upload (Read more)

Filters #
Filters provide for you file standard for upload on your library. Filter only apply for photo on design editor. You can click to open on category you want

Hover mouse on filter you want -> Click to download file -> Go to admin panel -> Settings -> Filters -> Upload (Read more)