Design studio is tool allow customer edit, add design, create idea of design… before add to cart or submit a quote. Design of customer can be saved on server to download and print. To start learn about design studio. You can see layout of design studio by 6-blocks
- Top bar: Allow customer can quit screen design, load saved design, save or download design.
- Tools bar: Area of design tools. You can add templates, text, artworks, upload photo…
- Options bar: It is area of resources or show options detail of a tool functions (ex: show fonts, size, style of text and allow change it)
- Area design: This is area allow customer add design on
- Product options & buy: This area allow customer change colors, sizes, attributes… of product and add to cart
- Bottom bar: This area allow you change views of product for design, preview and zoom design.

Topbar #
- Back button allow customer go back to woocommerce product.
- Designs button allow customer load design saved of this product.
- Save button allow customer save design to list saved for this product and can load it again (step 2).
- Download button allow customer download file design to computer (Supported file format PNG, SVG, PDF and it depended by setup from backend)

Tools bar #
Tools bar & Options bar contains the tools, resources, functions needed to design:
- Templates: Contains resources of design template allow customer add template to design by one click and can easy edit. Also, Provide inspiration and design ideas Read more detail
- Text: Allow customer add text to design by one click and they can change color, font, size, position… Read more detail
- Artworks: Customer can add graphic design from library to design and they can change color, size, position… Read more detail
- Photos: Customer can upload image or use image from photo library to design and they can change color, size, position… Read more detail
- Teams: Allow customer add list name & number of a teams. Also, They can setup size, attribute of product for a team member. Read more detail
- Qrcode: Allow customer add qrcode image and can setup content, color, options of qrcode. Read more detail
- Barcode: Allow customer add barcode image and can setup content, color, options of barcode. Read more detail
- Layers: Customer can select layer design and sort layer. Read more detail

Area design #
Area design contains all design can print (text, image, artwork…) and it have a fixed position on product. There may be more than one area design on a product.

Bottom bar #
Bottom bar contains buttons support for design easier.
- You can change view for design
- Enable/disable ruler
- Redo/Undo design when you want back to history design
- Preview design to see how the design looks on the product
- Zoom in/Zoom out design for design easier
- Enable/disable Expand fullscreen mode for design easier

Product options #
Product options allow customer change color of product (1) or change other attributes, variants if it available -> Select quantity (2) -> Check price of product -> Click continue for go to next step.

On next step. You can check product options added (1) and can add other variants (2) -> Add note (3) -> Add to cart (4) or Request a quote (5) to finish design -> Go to checkout cart